Mdm Ling Bakery

Mdm Ling Bakery CSR with Hwa Chong Alumni

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Partnership with Chen Su Lan Methodist Home

In January 2022, we partnered Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home to gift cookies and bring joy and comfort to children and youths during Chinese New Year.

Our Partnership with SingHealth Community Hospitals

Mdm Ling Bakery partnered SingHealth Community Hospitals (SCH) to raise funds for needy patients by donating $1 for every item purchased from our website during the CNY 2020 festive period (21 December 2019 to 23 January 2020).

Collaboration with Hwa Chong Alumni to Donate Cookies to Hospitals

Mdm Ling Bakery CSR with Hwa Chong Alumni

In March 2020, we collaborated with Hwa Chong Alumni and contributed cookies to hospitals in Singapore.

We hope to continue to show our support to our healthcare workers in the face of COVID-19 situation.

Our Continuous Support for Tzu Chi Foundation

Mdm Ling Bakery has continuously supported Tzu Chi Foundation in its fund raising efforts since the inception of our company.

Our Partnership with The Everyday Revolution

The Everyday Revolution

Mdm Ling Bakery partnered The Everyday Revolution and commissioned a painting by an autistic student for our mooncake box design in 2019.

In addition, we contributed $1 for every box of mooncake sold to TER and a lion’s share of this goes directly to the artist as royalties.

Our Continuous Support for Assisi Hospice

Mdm Ling Bakery has been a constant supporter of Assisi Hospice’s Fun Day Carnival.

We have also contributed Chinese New Year goodies to the patients at the hospice to spread festive cheer.

In 2023, we sold over 6000 steamed buns for fundraising purposes.

Our Partnership with Muhammadiyah Association

We donated over sets of Halal certified goodies to spread Hari Raya cheer among the lower income.

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